Wednesday July 3, 2024
वि.सं २०८१ असार १९ बुधबार
European Microfinance Award


Interest Rate: Base Rate +  upto 6.00% permium per annum


1. Personal Term Loan

For the fulfillment of long term personal commitment made by individuals while purchasing land, building or personal borrowing, personal term loan can be used.

2. Personal Overdraft

Individuals those in the need of short term financing facilities can enjoy such loan for the ease of personal requirement.


  • Passport size photographs of Applicant
  • Applicant’s Citizenship certificate
  • Photographs and Citizenship certificate of Guarantors
  • Land ownership certificate (Lal Purja) with ownership type
  • Certified income source
  • Blue Print
  • Malpot Receipt
  •  Four Boundary Certified(Char Killa)
  • House Construction Approval(Map) or Completion certificate ( In Case of Building) from relevant office.

Fee Charges

  • Administrative Charge – 1 %
  • CIC Charge – Rs. 250 per inquiry(For No Transaction Report)
  • Rs. 550 per inquiry (For Transaction Report)