Wednesday July 3, 2024
वि.सं २०८१ असार १९ बुधबार
European Microfinance Award

Under the Impact Banking, the bank provides financial and non-financial services with collaborating different partner organizations. The Bank always thrive to provide new and improved services to the customers it serve and always look for opportunities to provide services to unbanked population. The Bank knows that to, better understand its customer it required not only internal feedbacks and suggestions but needs help and support from other likeminded organization. Following its principal to innovate and enter into new customer segment with its services, the bank welcomes like-minded organizations. Here is the list of partnerships efforts as following:

  1. LI-BIRD/MSFP (2013-15): Multi Stakeholder Forestry Programme (MSFP) is funded by UKaid from the Department for International Development (DFID), the government of Finland and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) and supported by the government of Nepal. It aims to improve livelihoods and resilience of poor and disadvantaged people in Nepal. It will also develop the contribution of Nepal's forestry sector to inclusive economic growth, poverty reduction, and tackling climate change.

One of the implementing partner of MSFP is LI-BIRD (Local Initiatives for Biodiversity, Research and Development). Along with LI-BIRD, District Chamber of Commerce and Industries (DCCI) of Myagdi, Baglung and Parbat and the MNBBL had partnered to establish Value Chain Development Fund (VCDF). Through VCDF, MNBBL play a critical role to provide access to finance to the forestry based entrepreneurs.

  1.  Access Advisory, Regional Programme on Remittances and Diaspora Investment for Rural Development (2015-2018), funded by International Fund for Rural Development (IFAD).: The programme developed financial products and delivery systems to enable migrants and their family members to increase the amount they save from their remittances and channel their savings into investment in their (rural) communities of origin.
  2. Habitat For Humanity International: Campaign- Aarthapurna Jeewanka Lagee Aawas “Meaningful Life Through Housing” (2016), created awareness among stakeholders and boosted up low cost housing loan product to serve low income people.
  3. Frankfurt School of Finance & Management and International Development Enterprise Nepal (iDE Nepal):  Climate Smart Finance (May 2015); Supported by Development Bank of Austria (OeEB) and the Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management. Under this partnership the bank able to develop “Improving Agriculture Loan” product through market research. The Farmers were trained and provided required loan to run their Agro-farm.
  4. Mennonite Economic Development Associates (MEDA) and International Development Enterprise Nepal (iDE Nepal): INNOVATE – Adoption of Agricultural Innovations through Non-Traditional Financial Services (2018-2020); Funded by the International Development Research Centre (IDRC). The project was able to serve 1,590 farmers by using indirect lending to the farmers. 
  5. Mott MacDonald: PURNIMA post-earthquake recovery program is a program funded by UK AID (2018-2020). The PURNIMA project was implemented in Dhading district where the bank provided business literacy training to 150 construction-related entrepreneurs and provided loans to 63 entrepreneurs. 
  6. Nepal Rastra Bank (NRB, Project-Executing Agency” and KfW, Germany: Sustainable Economic Development in Rural and Semi-Urban Areas – MSME Finance Phase II (SEDRA II) (2020-2023) The Human Rights Center of the University of Padova, Italy: Scientific Research and educational activities.Under this partnership the bank welcomes students from the university who are perusing their degree in microfinance and development finance. It is learning and experience sharing opportunity for the bank and the students.
  7. AVSAR Foundation (AF) (2020): “AVSAR Microfinance (Interest Return) Program” Under the program, AF collaborates with MNBBL as its one of the implementation partner. MNBBL disburse microfinance loans to targeted population and AF provides interest return facility to borrowers on such loans.
  8. International Development Enterprise Nepal (iDE Nepal): CSISA Nepal COVID-19 Response and Resilience Activity (2020-2021)

CSISA is the COVID-19 response program focusing to selected districts of Lumbini and Far-west province. This is an ongoing program of the bank which especially provides financial services to the migrant returnees. 

HEDERA (2020-21): HEDERA Sustainable Solutions GmbH is an organization based in Germany. MNBBL and HEDRA teamed to conduct research/ study using framework of IMPACT-R using questionnaires based on the following methodologies: the ESMAP Multi-tier Framework (MTF) for energy access assessment, WHO/UNICEF Joint Monitoring Program for WASH, and FAO Food Insecurity Experience Scale (FIES) for food security. 

Sustainable Economic Development in Rural and Semi-Urban Areas – MSME Finance Phase II (SEDRA II): The Project concerns the refinancing of sustainable and target-group oriented sub-loans to micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) in rural and semi-urban areas in Nepal.  The purpose of the Project is the sustainable provision and use of a target-group oriented loan portfolio for predominantly rural and semi-urban MSMEs for their business investments. It is an On-Lending Agreement between NRB and MNBBL. MNBBL has been selected as a Partner Financial Institution (PFI) on the basis of project-relevant criteria agreed upon between NRB and KfW and by means of a fair and transparent selection process conducted by an independent consultant.