Saturday March 29, 2025
वि.सं २०८१ चैत १६ शनिबार
European Microfinance Award

MNBBL has developed loan products to meet financial demand of borrowers. Bank provides group based (Collateral Free) and collateral based (Individual) loans to needy clients.Following are the current loan products offered under microfinance program of the bank:



This is basic loan for MNBBL microfinance clients. This loan is provided for income generating activities only. Enrollment in this microfinance program enables individual and group to pursue loan maximum up to NRs. 500,000.00 and NRs. 700,000.00 respectively.

This loan is an incentive loan to the clients who have been maintaining good track record and completed one cycle of general loan are eligible to borrow Goodwill Member Loan. This loan facility is provided to promote the existing business. Borrower can take these loan facilities of NRs 300,000.00 for first time and  not exceeding NRs. 700,000.00 (including general loan) from second time and above.

The Improving Agriculture Loan provides loan financing in respect to climate change adaptation activities for the small holder farmers.The loan will be made available in the agriculture to augment climate change resilience through the use of adaptive or mitigation strategies with respect to the effects of climate change.This loan can be disbursed starting from NRs. 20,000.00 up to NRs. 100,000.00 in first cycle.Maximum ceiling of this loan is NRS. 200,000,00.

Energy Loan is designed to meet the demand of borrowers who intends to install Solar Home System, Solar Cooker, Solar Dryer, Solar Pump, Bio-gas, Improved Water Mill, Improved Cook Stoves and purchases parts for Wind Energy and Micro Hydro Project. The bank expects to contribute on clean and green environment through Energy Loan.

Maximum ceiling of Energy Loan is NRs. 300,000.00.

​A client who has to encounter with sudden unexpected expenses and if she will not expend; she would loss her current business; in such condition, the client can get Emergency Loan. The loan can be demanded at branch office. Branch Manager analyses the genuineness of the case and approves accordingly.

Emergency Loan can be disbursed up to NRs. 20,000.00.



This product has been designed for startup and further enhancement (in Commercial Agriculture,Livestock,Small Cottage Industries, Trade & Service Business)  of already running enterprises. Collateral is mandatory for Small Enterprise Loan.  Maximum ceiling of Small Enterprise Loan ranges from NRs. 10,00,001.00  to NRs. 20,00,000.00

This product has been designed  to fulfill the dream of those people who wants to settle down by buying a new land and construct their own house or  to renovate them.Collateral is mandatory for Small Housing Loan.Maximum ceiling of Small Housing Loan ranges from NRs. 10,00,001.00  to NRs. 20,00,000.00

Remittance is being back bone of Nepalese economy. Economically active people are migrating abroad (especially in the Gulf Countries) to earn money for economic betterment. Even bank will not provide loans to migrant workers, they take loan from informal money lenders in higher interest rate. So, bank is trying to provide easy loan to migrant workers on affordable price.

Bank lends Foreign Employment Loan up to NRs. 150,000.00

This product has been designed for those individuals who wants to fulfill their personal as well as their family needs that can improve their existence in the society.Maximum ceiling of Small Personal Loan ranges from NRs. 1,00,000.00  to NRs. 20,00,000.00


S. No. Loan Products Loan Size (NRs.) Loan Duration Interest Rate  Services Charge
1. Group Based Loan
1.1 General Loan Up to 700,000 Up to 5 Yrs. Base rate + Up to 5.50% 1%
1.2 Sum of General and Goodwill Loan Up to 700,000 Up to 5 Yrs. Base rate + Up to 5.50% 1%
1.3 Improving Agriculture Loan Up to 200,000 Up to 1 Yrs. Base rate + Up to 5.50% 0.5%
1.4 Emergency Loan Up to 20,000 Up to 1 Yrs. Base rate + Up to 5.50% 1%
1.5 Energy Loan Up to 300,000 Up to 3 Yr Base rate + Up to 5.50% 1%
2. Collateral Based Loan
2.1 Foreign Employment Loan Up to 150,000 Up to 3 Yrs. Base rate + Up to 5.50% 1%
2.2 Small Enterprises Loan Up to 20,00,000 Up to 10 Yrs. Base rate + Up to 5.50% 1%
2.3 Small Housing Loan Up to 20,00,000 Up to 10 Yrs. Base rate + Up to 5.50% 1%
2.4  Small Personal Loan Up to 20,00,000 Up to 10 Yrs. Base rate + Up to 5.50% 1%